VITO Fryfilter launches new, innovative digital frying oil tester

The FT 440 – the newest member of the VITO family – has finally arrived in the USA. The FT 440 is a digital testing device, which determines the quality of the frying oil in %TPM (total polar materials). A simple traffic light mechanic helps customers to determine if their oil is still usable or needs to be changed: Green = fresh oil  // Yellow = good oil but must be changed soon // Red = oil exceeded its life span. The measuring results of the handy FT 440 come close to a laboratory test, and also deliver reliable information about the temperature of the oil.

But why is measuring so important?
“Color, smell or a handbook can‘t tell you the quality of your frying oil, those methods are guessing not knowing. Oil needs to be changed at the right time, always! The right determination process will not only ensure your food quality, it ensures also a safe working environment for your kitchen team and saves you a lot of money.” so Felix Amrhein, CEO of VITO Fryfilter, Inc. “And we all know a satisfied customer will always come back!”

For more information about the FT 440 frying oil tester or more tips how to maximize your oil life, contact VITO Fryfilter at or via phone under +1 847-859-0398.

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